Putting a Value to Social Media
Did that title grab your attention? Of course it did, that is the magical formula that everyone is looking for. But how do you get value or determine the ROI of something? You have to track it with metrics right? But, in my opinion that is the first mistake. There are always ways to game the system with metrics. You want to measure likes/followers, okay I’ll just pay some money to a third-party service and buy them. It’s easy to see when a company does that you say…ok, you want […]
Join Our Elite Group Of Rock Stars!
The Dell TechCenter community for IT professionals wants to recognize you for special contributions to the community and for promoting Dell solutions online. Each year, through our Dell TechCenter Rockstars program we show appreciation to those who participate in Dell related conversations on TechCenter or other IT communities, give feedback to Dell teams, help other TechCenter members, create / update technical content about Dell solutions, or promote the community. We need your help identifying and rewarding these individuals! If you or someone you know should be a TechCenter Rockstar, […]
How to configure the SonicWALL LAN / X0 Interface with Static IP address
I was recently given a SonicWALL NSA 220, so I figured I would post some on the initial setup and configurations. The first one will be assigning a static IP to the NSA 220. At this time I have already went through the out of the box setup but after this I plan on resetting the unit and recording that OOB setup too. Setting Static IP 1. Login to the SonicWALL Management Interface. (If you are configuring the SonicWALL for the first time, the default Lan IP is […]
Nice Recap of the Feb-27-2013 VMUG via Rick’s Tech Gab
March 4, 2013 in Events, Virtualization
Everyone love’s VMUG’s right! Well what if you can’t attend? Hopefully there’s someone there that will take notes and then blog about it later :), that’s just what Rick Byrne did. This meeting was Dell sponsored and focused on VDI and the capabilities Dell can offer. They also had a special guest, Eric Gales (VP and GM of VMware Canada) for a Q&A session. Rick’s blog below! Feb-27-2013 VMUG Meeting Recap – Dell | Rick’s Tech Gab.
Ultimate Harlem Shake
Yes, I know I used those words again. But I promise this one is actually funny ( assuming you have a sense of humor). Go to YouTube using Chrome or Firefox. Type “do the Harlem Shake” minus quotes in the search box and hit enter. Watch the page. It’s not a video, promise. Just in-case you want to watch a funny harlem shake video, here are a couple of my favorites 🙂
Mobile vSphere Lab – Template edition
February 28, 2013 in Tech, Virtualization
So in my last post, we went over what hardware I would be using for my mobile lab. In this post we’re going to go over creating a base template. Now I know this is redundant not necessary for some people, but it’s always good to document right . So let’s start by creating a base template for our VMs. I am going create a 2008 R2 and a Server 2012, but for this blog we’re going to cover the 2008 R2. First we are going click on create a […]
Building Out A VMware Home Lab
February 25, 2013 in Networking, Storage, Tech, Virtualization
Sounds exciting right! Well a while back I wrote how I was going to build out a view environment in the Dell TechCenter lab. Due to some circumstances out of my control that idea passed and I have not been able to covert the dream into reality. Hence I have turned my attention to building out a “Mobile Lab” that will allow me to learn more about the products/technology themselves and also be able to take it to any events that I may attend. I will be posting some updates […]
How Do You Measure The ROI of Social Media?
February 6, 2013 in Non-Tech, Social Media
“You can’t put a price on friendship”, that’s what I remember being said to me when I was growing up. Look we all know the end goal of any business is to make money, it’s all about the bottom line. But can your social strategy be just to drive revenue? Personally I don’t think so. In some most cases you should treat your social strategy like your personal strategy. Let’s take a look at the personal side of social media. I’ll use twitter as an example, when I first started […]
Wow! You’re a Social Influencer!!!
January 29, 2013 in Non-Tech, Social Media
Dumb, incomplete, fake, easy to manipulate, accurate, fair…These are all things that people say about social media influencer scores. Hey, I myself use some of these tools to report back to management in my current job on how I stack up in the conversation. The truth is while none of the services can accurately measure level of engagement, true influence you have on someone, or your knowledge of a specific topic companies do need something to base the social strategy on. Therefore, these “scores” won’t go away until something better […]
2012 in review
January 9, 2013 in Non-Tech, Social Media
The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,800 times in 2012. If it were a Dreamliner, it would take about 7 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see the complete report.