Updating Dell Server With No OS
While trying to set up a Dell T610 I scored on craigslist, I noticed that the firmware and bios were way out of date. I currently have no OS installed so I had search through the Dell support site for ways to update with no OS. Surprisingly this was not easy to find so I decided to document my process here for others to find. I can help just one person my job here is done :). Switch your BIOS to BIOS boot manager not UEFI Download Dell SBUU (System […]
Who Are The EMC Elect? You Decide!
It’s that time of year again where we in the EMC community want to recognize those that have taken the time to make considerable contributions on EMC focused solutions not only to our community but their own sites. Each year, through the EMC Elect program we show our appreciation to those that participate in EMC conversations on ECN or other technical communities, give feedback to EMC employees, or create technical content on EMC solutions. We need your help in identifying these candidates! If you or someone you know fits […]
VMworld Here I Come!
I took a year off from VMworld, but this year I am heading back. If you are going to be there and would like to talk or catch up hit me up on twitter and we’ll arrange something. On site you can find me hanging around the EMC booth with the EMC Elect or in the community space. I’ll be arriving early to participate in #v0dgeball so hopefully I’ll see some of you there as well. If you are not participating this year, I would still encourage you to donate […]
Social Is Great, In Person Is Better
August 5, 2014 in Events, Non-Tech, Social Media
Over my last 6 years or so on twitter I have the had pleasure of chatting with a lot of great people on a number of different topics. Social is a great tool to be able to talk to a lot of people from all over the world at one time, but it still lacks in the personal connect area. I haven’t been able to attend many of the smaller events in the past, but since joining EMC I have been fortunate enough to do a little traveling. During my […]
Taking My Talents to South Beach…A New Role with EMC
June 19, 2014 in Non-Tech, Social Media, Uncategorized
Okay so this announcement may not be as dramatic as LeBrons and maybe it’s a little bit more north than South Beach. I have found that in life the some of the best opportunities present themselves when you’re not looking for them. Over the past 10 years at Dell I have moved around to a few different teams and even some of those opportunities were just dropped in my lap. I started of working on the tech support side and quickly moved up and was approached by the community team to help […]
AT&T Family Plan: The Breakdown
So I am sure you are like me and you see these “best family plan ever” commercials from AT&T right? Well, my son is turning 16 next week so we were going to go in and upgrade his basic plan and get him a new iPhone 5C and then also switch my other 3 lines over to the new family plan for $160/month. Now AT&T advertises this as 4 lines, 10Gb data, and unlimited talk/text. This is all true and a great price, so I am sure you’re asking what’s […]
Disaster recovery using the cloud
Disaster recovery (DR) using cloud-based services, such as data backup and failover servers, can be a faster alternative to on-premise DR. Keep in mind your DR environment — the size of your company, its budget, the amount of data, and the criticality of your applications and settings should drive your plan. The Business Case for Cloud DR It’s important to understand your DR environment and the expectations in the event of a disaster. If your business cannot accept any downtime, then you’ll also need to consider what you’re backing up—file-based backup or image-based backup. […]
Creating a consistent cloud computing experience
Despite today’s fragmented IT architectures, end users and systems administrators expect a seamless experience. In this post, we’ll explore several ways the IT team can create a consistent cloud computing experience. Consider busy sales managers approaching the end of the quarter. They don’t care if the data to run sales reports is coming from a data center in Costa Rica or Boston. All they need to know is whether the sales team is on track toward achieving their quarterly bonus. Likewise, the system administrators care about the load on the CPU, given […]
TrainSignal IT Survival Kit Winner Announced
September 3, 2013 in Events, Non-Tech, Social Media
First off, thank you to everyone that participated in the contest. There were 53 people that entered for a total of 179 entries! This was my first to run on my site and I hope to do more soon. Congratulations to Eric Lee (@ericblee6)! He will receive an IT Survival Kit from TrainSignal that will include: Laptop Backpack Zombie T-Shirt 30 Day free training certificate
Help me choose my fantasy football team name
August 23, 2013 in Non-Tech, Sports
Fairly simple, vote below or add your own! Thanks!